Checking measurement, analysis air, water, solid parameters. Making evaluating environmental affection report in domestic investment projects, joint-ventures or foreign investment in the North, the Middle and the South provinces...Thông tin chungContent fieldEATC specializes in: Checking measurement, analysing air, water, solid parameters Making evaluating environmental affection report in domestic investment projects, joint-ventures or foreign investment in the North, the Middle and the South provinces. Consulting technological solutions, designing, constructing, assembling treating system of supplying water, waste water, waste gas. Consulting treatment technology sort of solid waste such as: live waste, hospital waste, industrial waste. Upgrade treating system of supplying water and waste water. In addition, EATC takes part in many monitoring projects, evaluating environmental affection, making environment standard registration, treating wastes for investment projects, factories, etc in many field such as: food industry, health, mechanics, plastic industry, paper industry cement, alcohol industry, etc ... around Vietnam. EATC ensures an exact ,scientific and effective results. Through operation process, we are highly evaluated by our partners and environment management organs. EATC Provides assistance in Industrial waste and harmful waste management Minimize waste Urban waste management Waste treatment and destroy Album